Your room rental includes...

Conference Room
Comfortable conference room with seating for 8-10 participants. No potentially intimidating two-way mirror. As we are also moderators, we are sensitive to the needs of moderators. Our goal is to make the experience more pleasant for the moderators and the respondents. Our non-traditional design offers a refreshing alternative.

Fully equipped with 4 high resolution cameras + Omni Directional Mic for on-site viewing in the client lounge PLUS a webcam for live video streaming

Client Lounge
Concierge service including full kitchenette, client debriefing office, luxurious leather sofa, and 55" LCD flat screen monitor offering closed circuit viewing of the conference room downstairs. No traditional dark viewing room - let there be light!

Live Video Streaming
KMR has partnered with Civicom's video streaming platform to provide secure remote client viewing for as many clients as requested - locally, nationally, or globally!
(Available at a minimal cost)

Respondent Food/Snacks/Beverages
Client Food/Snacks/Beverages
Enjoy a variety of options available from local, indigenous restaurants and familiar, national/regional brands.

And even if you're not looking for market research, we may still be able to help!
Off-Site Meetings
Employee Engagement Activities
Remote Workforce Meeting Space
Team Building Activities
Training Sessions
Employee "Away Days"
Professional Retreats
Small Group Presentations/Speaking Engagements
Legal Depositions
Mock Jury
Sales Team Training
Taste Testing
Art Gallery